Friday, November 30, 2007

California Adventures - Day 1

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Our trip begins with an early morning trip from Portland to LAX, followed by an enormous bagel, the Tar Pits and traffic. Lots of traffic.

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

This plane is boring. Boring, boring, boring.

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Behold my minions, I am drinking apple juice on a plane!!

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

So called "snow" at our Reno layover

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Randy's Donuts. Almost immediately after arriving in LA, we are graced with some classic Roadside America, a giant donut from the golden age of weird signage!

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Drama at the Tar Pits. The Columbian Mammoths. Oh no! Not the mommy mammoth! Why is it always the mommy mammoth? What is the Page museum in bed with Disney or something?

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

This is just going to end badly for the Mastedon...

Tar From Afar
Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Yes, I walked up to the tar bubbling up. Not my smartest move ever.

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

I wonder what happens to the little orange cones? Do they get sucked down in the tar?

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Nothing makes me feel safe like knowing that I'm walking on tar and natural gas, with only the asphalt sidewalk between me and being sucked me down into the tar only to be dug by a sleezstack in 50,000 years, still clutching my Starbucks Iced-Mocha

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Again, with the feeling safe and secure while my offspring walks inches from the goo of death.

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Short Nosed Bear
Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Is this Short Nosed Bear scratching himself? I swear he looks like he needs a beer and a TV.

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Pawprints...but where do they lead? Perhaps to Baker, I hear they have excellent seafood there.

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Note: NOT a tiger.

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

See...not a tiger.

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

I'm pretty sure this is a camel...maybe, well, I don't know. But there were camels there. Maybe these are the bones of one.

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

This is Maxwell's representation of the tar pits

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

These are all skulls of Dire Wolves. They were either really numerous or really dumb, because they just pulled wolf after wolf out of the tar pits

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Dire wolves were pretty badass.

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

I always wonder if there is an actual wolf skeleton under that plaster cast...

American Lion
Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

American Lion skeleton. Yes, lions too. Lions and camels and bears were in LA. But not tigers.

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

I have to say the best part of the tar pits (excluding the joy I felt at having to pay $6.00 for 2 AA batteries at the gift shop when my camera went dead) was the 1970's era movie about how the bones got there. It was incredibly cheesy, why SAG whose office was right across the street

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Screen Actors Guild

couldn't just pony up a member or two to make a revised one I don't know, but Oh.My.God. Maxwell was just mesmerized by it. I thought he was going to cry when the horse got stuck in the tar pit. He seemed oddly satisfied that the horse in his demise was able to take two sabertooth cats and a pack of dire wolves with if that were their just rewards for attacking that poor horse.