Now that the chicken coop is moved, we can start roofing and painting it. I've already had the neighborhood kids paint 16 "tiles" for the bottom and I'm trying not to get all anal-retentive on the colors.
I really wanted the backgrounds to be all solid primary colors, but apparently the kids had other ideas so my primary color tiles have turned into green, brown, red, mint and vomit colored tiles (thanks Max). I'm just telling myself "
kid directed Anne, kid directed." I really want the kids to feel some ownership of the coop and the chicken, and I hope when they see the tiles
they did, they will feel a part of it.
I tried this last year when the kids were picking the flowers in my front yard, I bought flowers for each neighbor and told them those were "their" flowers and they could destroy them or let them grow. I would like to say it was was for the season anyway.
This year they started picking the flowers again and I had to have an "all hands" neighborhood kids meeting about how flowers were living things and if we picked a flower today it would be gone for the whole year (and I swept my hand to the patch of picked daffodils for effect). I promised them all flower beds of their own and all the roses they could endure in the fall if they would leave the spring flowers be. So far, it's working...I still have flowers in my front yard.
In other news, Max damaged the apple tree by hitting it with a stick. Then he tried to blame the neighbor girl. WTF is up with that?