Sunday, March 23, 2008


For those of you unfamiliar with the Pokemon universe, Piplup is an adorable blue penguin type creature that my son is currently obsessed with.

What's a mom to do? Knit a piplup of course!

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

I had some yarn left over, so I made Piplup scarf for Max too.

Piplup scarf
Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Cannon Beach Trip

Last weekend Max and I hopped down to Cannon Beach, since we hadn't been to the ocean in a *really* long time.

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

I love how you can be in snow along the 26 and then 20 minutes later in the ocean

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Is there anything cooler than playing in the sand?

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Perhaps stalking some fish?

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Haystack Rock
Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

Haystack Rock
Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

On the way back from the beach we stopped at what was, until December of last year, the largest Sitka Tree in the United States.

Sitka Spruce
Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

It seems such an ignoble end to this majestic tree, toppled by a storm after centuries of witness to the land. But, so is life and nothing is eternal. I'm just glad that Max got to see it while it stood.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

R.I.P. Squeaky the Penguin

Squeaky the Penguin 1
Originally uploaded by WeavesWithFire

For those of you reading this who actually have children, you will understand what I'm about to say. For those who don't, I'll just leave it to your imagination.

There comes a time in a little boy's life, a time after he's potty trained but before he goes to college, when a boy gets the urge to go to the restroom in the middle of the night. The boy will stumble around, attempting to find the toilet and invariably, in the confusion of half dazed sleep, he will go in a place which is not the toilet. This week, that place was his toy box. Many items were salvaged, but alas, knitted penguin was beyond redemption.

R.I.P. knitted penguin