Friday, November 20, 2009


Our chickens have totally developed a personality and one in particular, Luna, is a total escape chicken.  She’s very crafty, cuddles up to you and clucks softly then the moment your back is turned, BACACKK! She’s making a run for it! 

I have to admit, she’s my favorite chicken. 

Also, chickens are brutal little cannibals.  Whenever I find an egg inside the coup (not the nest box) I smash it and they all come running like its Christmas morning to devour it.  They even eat the shell.  I think this is probably an evolutionary thing, predators are less likely to find a nest that doesn’t smell like decaying eggs so they tidy up whenever possible.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween PSA

Just a reminder, even Darth Vader practices proper car safety!

Buckle up and be safe this holiday season!